Text Processing & Labelling [Part2]

Tutorials / Implementations
Sample of labelling data for Sentiment Analysis task

July 28, 2021

The full notebook is available here.

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) # Set to display full-width dataframe 


df = pd.read_csv("preprocessed.csv")

You can download the dataset here.

filtered_df = df[df.lang == "en"]

Step 1: Segment Document into Sentences

We want to decrease the complexity when there are multiple sentences with different polarities in a doc. Therefore, instead of making prediction on a doc, we do for a sentence.

Note: This way also does not guarantee that we will not have a sentence with 2 conflict polarities. Yet, it reduces the proability of that situation.

def segment_review(df):
    reviews = list(df["review"])
    ratings = list(df["star_rating"]) 
    new_reviews = []
    new_ratings = []
    for i in range(len(reviews)):
        doc = nlp(reviews[i])
        rating = ratings[i]
        for sent in doc.sents:
    return new_reviews, new_ratings
doc_df = pd.DataFrame({"review": filtered_df["lower_case"], "star_rating": filtered_df["star_rating"]})
# Check NaN 
new_texts, new_ratings = segment_review(doc_df)
segmented_df = pd.DataFrame({"review": new_texts, "star_rating": new_ratings})
print("Number of data after segmenting:", len(segmented_df))
Number of data after segmenting: 35448
segmented_df.to_csv("segmented_df.csv", index=False)

Step 2: Add labels using rating and pretrained-models’ predictions

label_df = segmented_df.copy(deep=True)

Rating Label

def rating2label(rating):
    if rating == 3:
        return "Neutral"
    elif rating < 3:
        return "Negative"
        return "Positive"

def score2label(score):
    if score == 1:
        return "Positive"
        return "Negative"
# Add rating labels
label_df["rating_label"] = label_df["star_rating"].apply(rating2label)

BERT Label

!pip install transformers
from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
def get_classifier(model_name, **kwargs):
    id2label = kwargs.get("id2label")
    if id2label:
        model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name, id2label=id2label)
        model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
    classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
    return classifier

Model 1: nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentimen

# Load pretrained model
model_name = "nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment"
classifier = get_classifer(model_name)
# Function to convert the model output to label
def get_prediction(text):
    rating = int(classifier(text)[0]['label'].split()[0])
    return rating2label(rating)
label_df["nlptown_bert_label"] = label_df['review'].apply(get_prediction)
label_df.to_csv("label_df.csv", index=False)
# Check number of neutral
label_df[label_df["nlptown_bert_label"] == "Neutral"][["review"]]

Model 2: cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment

from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
model_name = "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment"
id2label = {0: "Negative", 1: "Neutral", 2: "Positive"}
classifier = get_classifier(model_name, id2label=id2label)
{'id2label': {0: 'Negative', 1: 'Neutral', 2: 'Positive'}}
def get_prediction(text):
    return classifier(text)[0]['label']
label_df["twitter-robert_label"] = label_df['review'].apply(get_prediction)
review star_rating rating_label nlptown_bert_label twitter-robert_label
0 i love my new laptop! 5 Positive Positive Positive
1 best computer i have ever own! 5 Positive Positive Positive
2 this computer forces me to be productive. 5 Positive Positive Positive
3 i used to wait around for this spinning wheel to stop, 5 Positive Negative Neutral
4 and now i can do everything so quickly 5 Positive Positive Positive
label_df["review"] = label_df["review"].str.strip()
label_df.to_csv("label_df_full.csv", index=False)

Model 3: LSTM (Optional)

# Label by LSTM model
from allennlp.predictors.predictor import Predictor
predictor = Predictor.from_path("https://storage.googleapis.com/allennlp-public-models/basic_stanford_sentiment_treebank-2020.06.09.tar.gz")

lstm_label = list()
for i, review in enumerate(new_df['review']):
    label = score2label(int(predictor.predict(review)['label']))
Plugin allennlp_models could not be loaded: No module named 'nltk.translate.meteor_score'
label_df["LSTM_label"] = lstm_label

Analyze labels and conflicts

!python -m pip install -U matplotlib # The code requires to use the lastest version of matplotlib
# Load labeled dataset
label_df = pd.read_csv("./label_df_full.csv")
import seaborn as sns
def draw_bar_graph(data, title=None ,x_label=None, y_label=None):
    y_values = [float(v) for v in data.values()]
    ax = sns.barplot(x=list(data.keys()), y=y_values)
    ax.set_ylim([0,max(y_values) + 2000])
    ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16)
conflict_rating_nlptown = label_df[~(label_df['rating_label'] == label_df['nlptown_bert_label'])]
conflict_nlptown_roberta = list(label_df[~(label_df['twitter-robert_label'] == label_df['nlptown_bert_label'])]['review'])
conflict_rating_roberta = list(label_df[~(label_df['twitter-robert_label'] == label_df['rating_label'])]['review'])
conflicts = {"rating-roberta": len(conflict_rating_roberta), "rating-nlptown": len(conflict_rating_nlptown), "nlptown-roberta": len(conflict_nlptown_roberta)}
draw_bar_graph(conflicts, title="Conflicts between labels", y_label="Number of samples")

# Only count the samples has alphabet characters
non_neutral = conflict_rating_nlptown[conflict_rating_nlptown['nlptown_bert_label'] != "Neutral"]
character_exist = non_neutral[non_neutral['review'].str.lower().str.islower()]
# Only count the samples has label as neutral and label conflict between nlptown_bert_label and twitter_robert_label
neutral = conflict_rating_nlptown[conflict_rating_nlptown['nlptown_bert_label'] == "Neutral"]
neutral_2_bert_conflict = neutral[neutral["nlptown_bert_label"] != neutral["twitter-robert_label"]]
review = []
rating_label = []
nlptown_bert_label = []
twitter_robert_label = []
review += list(character_exist["review"]) + list(neutral_2_bert_conflict["review"])
rating_label += list(character_exist["rating_label"]) + list(neutral_2_bert_conflict["rating_label"])
nlptown_bert_label += list(character_exist["nlptown_bert_label"]) + list(neutral_2_bert_conflict["nlptown_bert_label"])
twitter_robert_label += list(character_exist["twitter-robert_label"]) + list(neutral_2_bert_conflict["twitter-robert_label"])
conflict = {"review": review, "rating_label": rating_label, "nlptown_bert_label": nlptown_bert_label, "twitter-bert_label": twitter_robert_label}
conflict_df = pd.DataFrame(conflict)
review rating_label nlptown_bert_label twitter-bert_label
0 i used to wait around for this spinning wheel to stop, Positive Negative Neutral
1 ha ha. Positive Negative Neutral
2 i do not have time to get coffee anymore. Positive Negative Negative
3 i had an issue with my laptop. Positive Negative Negative
4 the battery life drained fast Positive Negative Negative
conflict_df.to_csv("conflict_df.csv", index=False)
print("Total numbers of samples we need to label is: ", len(conflict_df))
Total numbers of samples we need to label is:  9692
Label Rules
  1. Accept the label if the rating_label, nlptown_bert_label both agree on the label. I don’t take in to account the twitter-robert_label in this situation since it is trained using tweets, not product review, which is not reliable compared to the nlptown_bert_label. Because of the human resource, it is not always to produce the perfect label for the dataset. Yet, the dataset sill can be improved later using Active Learning.
  2. Accept the Neutral label if both nlptown_bert_label and twitter-robert_label both agree on the label. The resonale for this is that when we do the sentence segmentation, some sentences from the positive/negative documents (labeled by star) have neutral sentiments, but still get labeled as positive or negative due to the rating_label.
  3. Accept sample which review has alphabet characters. This rule will remove sample text such as “4.”, “!”, etc.
Distribution of labels in accepted data
accepted_df = label_df[label_df["rating_label"] == label_df["nlptown_bert_label"]]
num_neutral = len(accepted_df[accepted_df["rating_label"] == "Neutral"])
num_positive = len(accepted_df[accepted_df["rating_label"] == "Positive"])
num_negative = len(accepted_df[accepted_df["rating_label"] == "Negative"])
data = {"Negative": num_negative, "Neutral": num_neutral, "Positive": num_positive}
draw_bar_graph(data, title="Distribution of classes", x_label="Classes", y_label="Number of samples")

The dataset is unbalanced and the class has the least number of sample is Neutral, which is what we should expect. The reason is since we segment the doc to multiple sentences, there will be some sentences has neutral polarity but still get labeled as positive or negative due to the rating_label.

Upload to Lable Studio

def generate_import_json(text, labels):
    json_instance = {}
    json_instance['data'] = {"text": text}
    json_instance['annotations'] = []
    for label in labels:
            "result": [
                        "type": "choices",
                        "value": { "choices": [label] },
                        "to_name": "text",
                        "from_name": "sentiment"
    return json_instance
labeled_df = df.drop(conflict_df.index)
labeled_df.to_csv("labeled_df.csv", index=False)
relabeled_df = pd.read_csv("relabeled_data.csv")
relabeled_df[relabeled_df['annotation_id'] > 60000]
text id sentiment annotator annotation_id
0 no es la mejor. 521560 Neutral admin@slsops.gmail.com 68106
4 Ese es su único defecto, 521559 Neutral admin@slsops.gmail.com 68105
8 3 horas en trabajo medio, con varios aplicativ... 521558 Neutral admin@slsops.gmail.com 68104
12 This machine is NOT a touchscreen. 521465 Negative admin@slsops.gmail.com 68011
16 Also when I try to use my audio interface in L... 521453 Neutral admin@slsops.gmail.com 67999
... ... ... ... ... ...
672 Like: size, weight, screen picture, battery us... 521395 Positive admin@slsops.gmail.com 67941
676 Almost too perfect. 521394 Positive admin@slsops.gmail.com 67940
680 I don’t have time to get coffee anymore. 521393 Negative admin@slsops.gmail.com 67939
684 Ha ha. 521392 Positive admin@slsops.gmail.com 67937
688 I used to wait around for this spinning wheel ... 521391 Positive admin@slsops.gmail.com 67936

173 rows × 5 columns

samples = []
rating_label = list(conflict_df['rating_label'])
LSTM_label = list(conflict_df['LSTM_label'])
distilbert_label = list(conflict_df['distilbert_label'])
conflict_text = list(conflict_df['text'])
for i in range(len(conflict_df)):
    samples.append(generate_import_json(conflict_text[i], [rating_label[i], LSTM_label[i], distilbert_label[i]]))
import requests
def upload_2_labelstudio(samples, project_num):
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token 05f1e1540050e570826c2f6229b4a0a20bde2d1f'}
    url = f'https://label.slsops.athenka.com/api/projects/{project_num}/import'
    r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=samples) 
import json
for i in range(0, len(conflict_df), 500):
    json_data = json.dumps(samples[i:i+500])
    upload_2_labelstudio(json_data, 274)
sample_json = [
        "data": { "text": "This is a test sentence" },
        "annotations": [
                "result": [
                        "type": "choices",
                        "value": { "choices": ["Negative"] },
                        "to_name": "text",
                        "from_name": "sentiment"
                "result": [
                        "type": "choices",
                        "value": { "choices": ["Neutral"] },
                        "to_name": "text",
                        "from_name": "sentiment"
                "result": [
                        "type": "choices",
                        "value": { "choices": ["Positive"] },
                        "to_name": "text",
                        "from_name": "sentiment"